- Metallurgical facilities
- Gas industry
- Oil industry
- Chemical industry
- Power generating
- Metallurgical industry
The equipment of Close Company "REP Holding” is installed at the chemical industry facilities, including such enterprises as Integrated Chemical Company "Shchekinoazot”, OAO "AKron", OAO “Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant», OAO “Grodno Azot”, OAO “Naftan”, OAO “Nizhnekamskneftekhim”, OAO “Kazanorgsintez”, OAO "Ufaorgsintez" etc..
Packaged Solutions
“REP Holding” designs, manufactures, supplies, services and ensures post-warranty maintenance of the whole package of units in the chemical sector. The units are designed to compress various gases for the nitrogen fertilizer, ethylene, propylene production sector, in the isothermal storages of ethylene and propylene, for supply of the natural gas into the combustors of the gas-turbine units, in the sulphuric and nitric acids production sectors and in the other industry sectors.